Thursday, April 22, 2010


I really enjoyed the movie, Foodinc. It was very informative. It does make you think about what you eat and where it comes from. It seems like we just eat chemicals. Every food type is engineered, I think it is great that we have such technologies that would help protect our plants and vegatebles from all these pests but where does it stop?
I think this whole food coorporations it's all about business, and the goverment supports that, because that is their revenue.
I am all for organic food, but the prices is something that put me back in my place. Shouldn't the prices be cheaper? Shouldn't the government be helping or supporting that type of food production? I mean I try to make some good decisions but they are too expensive. Even that big company that does organic food, they are not in it because the have such a warm heart and they are helping the environment and the people, they are making huge bucks, thats the sole reason. So how different are they from those other companies?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well the long waited iPad is out now. So now the question is whether or not this item will revolutionize our technology world? I think I am kind of torn between yes it will be a huge thing and no it's just another toy that is a bit different from the iPhone, just in the larger format. It does everything that iPhone can do, so if I owned an iPhone I would not buy it. Though I will say that the lowest price of $499 is attractive and I think that is why a lot of people are buying them. So lets just get to the point, I think it will not be a huge thing. I think a lot of people are waiting to see what this new iPad will bring in terms of trouble and I am waiting for the Apple people to work out the kinks, if there are any. I do not think that we are in this world yet that this new "toy" will change the way we live in this world. I think we need another decade, then maybe....